terça-feira, 19 de novembro de 2013

terça-feira, 5 de novembro de 2013


Hello, there!

One of the biggest challenges of every teacher is find ways to help students improve their pronunciation. Depending on the student's mother tongue, acquiring the English phonetics can be an ordeal. Don't you agree?...

Well, one of the main problems concerning pronunciation, or the acquisition of an appropriate pronunciation, is what is called by scholars "fossilisation", that is, when a student mispronounces a word so many times that he cannot get rid of it anymore. There could be ways to help a student tackle such a problem. Teachers, who knows this one can help?...
At least, it's an attempt at making it easier to pronounce without making students feel distressed.

The link below is quite interesting in that it helps one pronounce words properly. Have a go at it!

Hope you enjoy it! See you...
